Its hard to be a good loser...but its sometimes harder still to be a Good
Winner...and if we want to get this legalization ship launched may I suggest
everyone start now practicing being a good, if not great Winner... so if you
faxed everyone from the President to the Eighty-Eighth and Plowed Ground
Garden Club pleading, begging, demanding and/or threatening mayhem for
support of legalization...please give thought to faxing or even just
scribbling a note to all those sme people saying a big THANK YOU and
pledging to support them in their next campaign for whatever office they may
run for.
The net group we have to win over is going to hear about the faxs...and
flood of 'Support Us' communications...lets also be sure they hear the flood
of appreciation that followed with that delightful sound to any elected
persons tinny ears...We WILL Help You Keep Your Office or Get You elected
Next Time You Need Us!
You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours is the political creed... so
please give thought to giving atta boy messages to the folks in committe and
in the assembly that gave us what we want...and perhaps the thundering lack
of same in the abstainers and no-voters offices will speak eloquently for
our position on their political future.
I promise you it will rapidly become evident to even the densest politician
that we are a very determined, not so small army, that could make or break
them in every city,county, and rural area in this state.  But we are
gracous, and grateful as well.
So let's turn on the charm and show the gloved hand as well as the demanding
hands outstretched.  "Please" by the thousands got us here..."thank you" in
equal numbers might give a boost for the next rung on the ladder!
 'nough said...I rest my case....TTYL...dayna
 dayna frazier   102046,3162
 "Worry is the interest we pay on the trouble we borrow!"
[Posted in FML issue 1576]