Hi All,
Well I have just decided that it is time to unveil my little secret
regarding the Ferret Crimes T-shirts we are hoping like heck to make soon.
Right now I am waiting for a catalog to arrive (better be here any day
now<G>) that has wholesale T's for people who do this type of business.
Also I am awaiting word on a most wonderful picture I found a bit ago.  As
it is not my picture to take I needed to write the photographer and get
permission and a copy.  I hope to hear back from her today with luck.  So
due to waiting for the catalog and the need to communicate to many people
back and forth thru the pooter, time has just kept on drifting away while I
still managed to not get any answers I was hoping for.  .Sorry all.
But to make up for not having more to tell you I am now going to unveil part
of my plans for this shirt.  I really hate to ruin the total surprise for
everyone so I have decided I will reveal half of the crimes and leave the
other half for you to discover when you get them.  Unless of course I find
my mailbox real full tomorrow with threats of raisin torture if I don't
spill the other 5, LOL!  Really tho if you are upset by me not telling them
all let me know and if enough people are upset too I will just have to break
down and write another post with the other 5.
So here are your Top Ten Ferret Crimes to be on the T's:
1. Premeditated Heart Stealing
2. Breaking & Entering EVERYTHING
3. Hit and Run Wardancing
4. Leaving the scene of ALL accidents
5. Ankle Mugging
6. 1st Degree Murder of Open Kleenex Boxes
7. Possession of stolen property
8. Exceeding the Speed Limit
9. Assault & Battery on Plants
10. Indecent Exposure of Unmentionables Before Guests
Before you say it, YES there are 10 there and not the 5 I said would be
there.  Why?  Because i just a moment ago decided that they came across
better when they were all together.  And so there they are my friends.
PLEASE EVERYONE let me know how you like these.  I got #1 from Gary
Holowicki, the second half of #6 my Mom came up with and all the rest were
ones I thought up right on the day I mentioned possibly selling them for
FANG.  I do want to thank ALL of you that sent in your ideas.  It was
difficult to use the majority of them only because almost everyone did not
write it in the form of a crime like these above.  Perhaps we had some
miscommunication but they are all done now so no harm caused.  I have tried
very hard to come up with ideas I thought most all ferret lover's would like
and find funny or cute.  They are real things ferrets do and their
victims:-) Don't forget to tell me what you all think in the FML or by
e-mail.  THANKS GUYS!!  TNT!
*      Kelleen Andrews  &  The FANG GANG!!!!          *
*      President and Founder of F.A.N.G.              *
*      (Ferret Association of Neverending Glee)       *
*      405 S. Orchard   Boise, Idaho  83705           *
*      208-342-7292                                   *
*      [log in to unmask]                               *
*   I'll take a good animal over a good mate anyday!  *
*   All they want is lots of love and great chow.     *
*         Idiocy is our only option!                  *
*     Dustin Hoffman from movie Outbreak              *
[Posted in FML issue 1574]