Hello, All,
Although we have been owned by fuzzies for several years now, I keep
learning new things on the FML - THANKS!!  for all the info, the "warm
fuzzies," and even the sad stories - then we appreciate the good more.
"How would you know a good day if you never had a bad one?"
'Nuf said on that.
Thanks to those of you who sent replies on the Advantage flea stopper.
Again, any additional info is treatly appreciated - and my vet (actually
Silver Star Animal Hospital) is very cooperative and interested in info I
bring in on ferrets.
Dayna, so very very glad to hear your newest little one is now playing - our
prayers for a continued speedy recovery and adaptation go with you.  You ARE
a very special person!
Back when we had only two fuzzies, neither of them would use the litter pan
in their cage (a _very_ _large_ cage).  So, since I was pretty sure they
wouldn't soil their "bedding," (translation: lots of t-shirts and towels, a
couple of 4" inner-diameter 3' long tubes, etc.), I tried something - and it
worked.  We attached the litter pan to a back corner of the cage and then
put "bedding" all over the bottom of the cage.  They woudl re-arrange the
"bedding" to their heart's content, but it was an immediate end of problem.
I realize this won't work with ferrets who have total freedom - but if there
is a cage problem, try this - it can't hurt, and it might work for you, too.
Again - by any chance, is there a "fuzzies group" in Central Florida?????
Martha - [log in to unmask], the four fuzzies and three "wish they were
fuzzies" (translation - cats)
[Posted in FML issue 1574]