In regards to Bridgid's concern about her 3 ferts not using the litter
pans-I have two 6 mo. old's, Betty and Chopper, and have had great success
with the ferretone training method.
What I do, is whenever I see either of them using their pan or newspaper, I
give them lots of praise and a few licks of ferretone (linetone may be
substituted-basically the same thing).  I've been doing this since I got
them back in Jan.  when they were about 7 weeks old, and it only took about
a month for them to figure out that when they "make poopie" in the right
place, they get something really good.  Chopper's still kinda on the 75% hit
rate side of things, but Betty is around 90%, which is good enough for me.
After a while, they'll figure it out and sometimes fake going, but I give it
to them anyway, just to reinforce the fact that I want them to go where
they're supposed to.
Hope this helps,
Chris, Betty, and Chopper
[Posted in FML issue 1574]