I have recently become aware of a situation where a ferret is being abused.
A friend of my sister-in-law bought a ferret two weeks ago after hearing
about my two sweeties.  A couple of days ago, he decided he could no longer
take the time to take proper care of the ferret.  He approached me about
purchasing the ferret from him, but since it is been so long since my
husband got paid(he only gets paid monthly), I couldn't afford to pay him
what he was asking.  I just found out that he has kicked the ferret out of
his house, and is keeping her in a birdcage outside in the direct sunlight
and has not fed her in days.  We live in central Georgia and the temps have
been in the mid 90's the past few days.  I am quite concerned about this
ferret and was wondering if anyone knew the proper authorities to report
this to.  If I could afford it, I would buy the ferret from him, but I also
have two human kids to take care of and cannot afford it right now.  I would
appreciate any information anyone might have on how to handle this
  Wendy (Mommy)
  Kellie and Katie (Two babies very concerned about the plight of this
                    young ferret)
[Moderator's note: Here we go again...  Give him an IOU, tell him he won't
get a dime for a DEAD ferret and once the ferret is safe FMLers can discuss
the next step.  Don't wait, OK?  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 1574]