I have been lurking on the list for over a year and have responded off line
several times.  I recently downloaded the most recent FAQ and was scanning
over it when I came upon " (3.4) What do you call a ferret
male/female/baby/group?..........most commonly accepted phrase for a group
is "a business of ferrets".  Some people spell it "busyness" instead."
Well, We are owned by 3 of the fuzzbutts (all females,ages 4 months, 2
years, and almost 4 years).  I got all of them, over a period of time, they
each were just kits (all only between 6-10weeks oldwhen I got them).  They
get along great and play with each other and our 4 cats get in on the
action.  Anyway my wife and I were talking a couple of months ago about what
you call a group of ferrets.  We looked around and could not find an answer.
Sooo, we decided that our group would be called a confusion of ferrets.
when you get all three playing together that is exactly what you have... a
confusion.  It also allows you to say things like "I was trying to take a
nap and really got confused." (that's when all three wake you up from a
sound nap by licking your toes or cleaning out your ears or submarining
under the covers.) or "I got so confused while cleaning the bathroom." or
"You just can't load the dishwasher without *some* confusion." It works for
us..thought I'd pass it along.
Tina (I,m 3 1/2,and love to sleep under the bed covers.)
Sassy( Well, I,m 2, the second drawer from the top is mine!  I'll get there
by myself")
Aggie ( I'm 4 months old and my real name is Aggravation, (self-explanatory))
The cats say "Hi" too:
Gandy(22 lb black male with a bobbed tail, I'll do anything to get my fur
Pinker(Small long-haired balck and white, independant. "Just feed me.")
Tatoo(Huge tabby,son of Pinker, loves to be loved.)
Sabrina(Little stunted runt female calico, retrieved from dumptster.
Daughter's cat)
               ("Kelli, Can I curl up with you?")
From Tucker, Georgia
Ken, Donna & Kelli Kinard.. the humans owned by the above.
      Ken L. Kinard                      Phone: (404) 894-6977
      Ga. Tech / GTRI / AIST         Fax:    (404) 894-9875
      400 10th Street
      Rm 316B
      Atlanta, Ga. 30332-800
      [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 1555]