It was a hot nite there was a strange odor in the air,the odor kept getting
stronger I couldn't quite place it when there was a knock at my door !  I
knew the smell now it was a strong desert aroma.  I look throgh the screen
to see who or what the smell was and to my surprise it was !!Fabio?not thats
not right he has glasses,was it Fish and Game?No the odor wasn't right!  It
was Bob!!!!  Yes people he is real and does know his stuff what stuff I'm
not sure but he was full of it!!  I let the beasels out and one and all had
a great time I couldn't get Bob to stop rubbing his body with ferrets!!  My
boys (human) were really impressed with him couldn't get them to bed they
wanted to listen to Bob's stories the ferrets really enjoyed his odor and
couldn't get enough of it.
He gave us some game ideas we feed him had to keep him away from the ferret
food tho.  He looked over our bones ,did some great magic tricks then off to
The next morning I noticed that some of our silverware was gone and so were
some of those bones??  I really do believe he is a secert agent for FLO.  He
has those hypnoic eyes(ferret eyes) and knows how to use them to get his
way!!  BE careful be very careful!!
All kidding aside we had a great time and he is sooooo much fun and a wealth
of information wish he could have stayed longer!!  Thanks Bob were still
One thing check his pockets before he leaves!!!!
   Dooks to all!!!! Melissa
[Posted in FML issue 1572]