But Ferrets are not legal yet in CA..... so keep the kids in the closet.
HR37 passed by a whopping 60-7vote with 13 abstentions/absentees.  Does a
heart good.  What does it do..... sends a very strong message to the Fish
and Game Commission in California that the State Assembly thinks ferrets
should be declared Domestic and therefore no longer under their
jurisdiction.  I know.... I would have preferred they went legal at this
time too...... but let me tell you this is a long winding road......
What do you do now?
Keep fuzzies still under secured measures..... they are not safe yet and can
and will still be confiscated.
Call Gov.  Wilson's office and speak to either him or his aid on this
matter.  You know the drill, after all the calling and letter writing we've
done I bet most of you have it memorized.  Out of state people can do this
too, as your not coming to CA to give up tax money here counts.
I must add...... After 2.5hrs of nail biting tension, one of the
assemblypersons in the back of the room states fairly loudly "when will we
get to the ferret stuff?", he obviously was anxious to get home.  Within 5
minutes, Jan Goldsmith our resolution author, introduces it on the floor.
First question out of anyone's mouth is "If we don't pass it this time, will
you be back next year?" Now I don't know what Jan said, because I couldn't
hear him, but the grin on his face told the story.  There was some minor
debate, usualy stuff.... baby eaters, wild animals, and something new.  One
of the assemblywomen spoke in support of it, as apparently ferrets do not
carry many of the diseases that HIV positive people must be cautious of and
cats and dogs do.  Therefore, making them legal would give HIV positive
patients a chance at getting a pet, where with cats and dogs they can't.
This was the first I had heard of that one.  A vote was taken.... as we
watched the board tally up in our whopping favor of 60-7, applause broke out
and so did cheering..... and it WASN'T ferret people.... it was the
assemblymembers...... Now I suspect that it might have been becuase they
were tired of this issue and glad it was finally gone.... I don't care
why.... made me feel really good.......
[Posted in FML issue 1572]