MANY THANKS to all of you who answered my post about the green poop.
(rather interesting to get 6 messages entitled "green poopy"..  my
co-workers looked a bit concerned...*grin*)
Anyway, everyone's poop looked normal yesterday and today, and everyone is
eating and drinking normally.  So i think *crossed fingers* that it may have
been what a few of you suggested, that the older one who was pooping like
that may have had a stressful reaction to the new addition to the family.
the green poop is just a result of food not being in the system long enough.
let me gush about the new baby for a moment..  he's SOO cute and soft, he
feels like an angora bunny.  he dooks sooo loudly like cookie, and he gives
kisses like periscope.  i asked my 2 year old neice what i should call him,
and she sternly responded "Boy Blue".  She insists on calling him that!  I
kinda like the name blue, and he is a silvery-blue colour.  my boyfriend
thinks it should be "Baloo" like the bear from the jungle book, cause he
does look like a little roly poly bear.  :) :) :) he and cookie seem to have
really bonded, they hop around trying to out-dook each other.  she is twice
his size so it looks really funny.  (not for long she won't be though, he
has HUGE feet and head, i think he'll be a biggie).
Anyway thanks again and i will be keeping an eye on the situation, and have
duck soup recipes ready etc.
cookie, periscope and little boy blue :)
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[Posted in FML issue 1571]