When I got me first ferret I had no idea about the whole hairball problem.
It wasn't until I picked up my second that someone mentioned it to me.  Well
since then I have discovered that my guys think that Liver flavored cat
hairball remedy is the best treat on the planet.  They love it!  Ian will
even attack the bottle looking for more.
My Ian has done the flopping from day one.  He will just be playing and
suddenly, he just plops down.  We call it
"the-oh-my-gosh-I-just-can't-keep-going".  He doesn't want to be picked up
or anything.  It is just rest time to catch his breathe.  It is usually from
this flopped position that all major attacks on George are launched.  Sort
of fool the enemy before attacking.
Thank you for the kind words.  What I did was nothing.
Keep your chin up and give Rocki a big hug.  She is in my prayers.
Hugs to all of yours.
Katie [log in to unmask]
Technology Information Coordinator/Lecturer
Carroll College
100 N. East Ave.
Waukesha, WI  53186
Phone:  (414) 524-7682
Fax:  (414) 524-7139
                "I believe there are angels amoung us
                 sent down to us from somewhere up above
                 they come to you and me in our darkest hours
                 to show us how to live,
                 to teach us how to give,
                 to guide us with the light of love..."
                                        -- Alabama
                                           "Angels Amoung Us"
[Posted in FML issue 1540]