Al (re: Mazuri)
I used to use Mazuri but found that my ferrets would eat everything else in
their bowl but that.  They currently eat TF, Iams Kitten and Cat, Pro Plan,
Wysong Kitten and Cat and Science Diet.  Spoiled I know.  :-) Mazuri is
pellet shaped and very, very hard.  That may be why they don't like it.
Spoiled AND lazy.  Oh well.  Gotta love them.
Does anyone have a ferret that will give up ANYTHING for a chunk of cooked
meat (chicken, steak, etc)?  My Gordi who LOVES to eat will actually beg at
the dinner table for a piece of meat.  He is worse than a ill-mannered dog
(I know I had one of those).  And of my 4, he is the only one that will even
look at meat.  Could it be because he is non-MFF (imported from England
actually) and therefore "closer" to ancestors that eat meat daily.  Or maybe
he was raised on meat before they brought him over.  FYI, I adopted him from
a shelter that rescued him from a pet shop that was maltreating him and a
bunch of others.  Even gven his abusive start in life he is that HAPPIEST
and SWEETEST ferrets I have ever seen.  He is always chuckling to himself
when he walks around the house.  Obviously VERY vocal.
Monique and Erik:
WELCOME HOME, ERIK! It's always good to hear a story with a happy ending.
Which leads me to:
I wish to send my condolences to all who have recently lost a Little One.
My heart breaks reading the beautiful stories you have to tell of your
fuzzies and always sends me home with tears and an extra hug and kiss for my
babies, especially my littlest sick one, Nancy.  I think it's wonderful to
have a support structure that allows like-minded people to share their grief
and sorrow at the loss of a loved one and actually receive sympathy and
understanding and not ridicule.
Lots of love and ferret kisses from all here.
Jennifer (Mom to Nancy, Maggie, Ronnie and Gordi)
[Posted in FML issue 1526]