Well, I think its time we bathed our little fuzzies.  At least that's the
message our Woodrow was giving us today.  Apparently Woody feels that he
does not smell as nice as he should and took advantage of some junkmail to
let us know.  Kate (human wife type) was sorting through some department
store junkmail advertising which had one of those paper perfume adds that
really reek.  Well, Woody got hold of it and I caught him rubbing all over
on it.  I didn't realize what it was at first until he ran by and this
non-ferret stench wafted by.  Since we only bathe ours once every few months
I didn't think it was quite possible for him to smell quite so elegant.  He
ran back over and rubbed against it some more and that's when we made the
Now he stinks like Japur.  I must admit, I like him much better smelling
like a ferret.  <g>
Take Care,
[Posted in FML issue 1538]