Hi Steve;
I'd try some basic hypoglycemic treatments before I'd use pred. or any Rx,
(just my way of thinking.) Dr. Wallach DVM writes that hypoglycemia usually
is caused by food allergies that cause a malabsorption of chromium &
vanadium as a result of celiac disease type changes in the intestine and/or
large intake of purified sugar and refined flour which increases dumping of
chromium in the urine as much as 300%..  He suggests treatment with high
animal protein diet, and chromium & vanadium, also B complex & zinc.  I
finally found a Cr,Vn supplement here in Scottsdale, and they have a B
complex in raisin juice.:) A very good health store should have most things,
and Pet Tinic would be a good B complex source also.  Keep in mind the dose
would be on the order of 1/10th capsul or less, as they're packaged for us
big people.
To try to avoid food allergies, you might try Pro Plan Turkey &/or a Timmy's
recipe with Turkey vege.  base, & maby even an extra jar of just turkey meat
mixed in, as I've heard of more than one ferret allergic to chicken.  I'm
really not supprised since there's so much garbage and poor processing in
the commercial chicken supply line.  You might even just try straight turkey
meat instead of the turkey vegetable, to raise the meat vs.  carbohydrate
ratio, with a choice few suppliments mixed in.
I know my own hypoglycemia responds well to a high protein percentage as it
converts to energy even slower than complex carbohydrates, so gives more
long lasting, more even blood sugar levels.  One doctor called me a "fast
oxidizer", another described me as having a "Ferrari engine in a Chevy
body".  He advised to have a high quality fuel, & stay clear of fixed walls
so I don't crash:)
I've heard several people say that ferrets are "naturally" hypoglycemic, so
maby more choice in her food would encourage her to eat more often, you
might keep a record as much as possible of how often you see her eat and
what.  My Timmy recently started eating Turkey Pro Plan (YEA!), which is
good, as for the last 14 months the only dry food he would eat is Whiskas
Kit Nips.  That's not bad as it has 5 animal proteins, but once I had to go
100 miles to get it at a reasonable price.  The things we do for our kids:)
I also like to see him be able to eat more variety.  I don't have to worry
about my Fred, as he will eat almost anything that will stay still long
enough:) He nibbles on all 8 different dry foods I have out & TImmy's recipe
each evening.  Boy does he have a beautiful, full coat.  Most of mine do
now, even as the weather is warmer, perhaps as I keep the central air at 80
or so and don't take them out when it's hot.
  Take care,
  Gary & the gang of fur
Violence is not strength,  Compassion is not weakness.    From Camelot.
[Posted in FML issue 1538]