Just a short reminder to everyone to give your fuzzies their petromalt,
especially while they are shedding!  We just went through a potentially
deadly experience night before last with my little female, Maggie.  She was
fine when I left for work, but when I came home and let the ferts out, she
was lethargic and dull-eyed.  I picked her up and she just lay there
limply--not anything Maggie has ever done before!  She was badly dehydrated,
too, so I just panicked!  I called tle and yelled for help.  She told me
what to do and I stayed up all night forcing Pedialyte and petromalt down
Maggie's little throat.  Just before the vet opened in the morning, Maggie
passed an enormous hard-as-a-rock hairball.  That was about 36 hours ago
and, although she is still looking pretty skinny, she is hopping around here
like she knows how close she really came to not making it (she actually quit
breathing once).
So, PLEASE, give everyone the petromalt more than once a week during this
season.  Weekly was not enough in this case!
To everyone who has lost their companion in the last few days, be assured my
thoughts are with you.
Lynda and Smitty, Maggie (thank goodness she's still with me), Razz, Zeus,
Baby and the still nameless one.  (what do you guys think of Speedbump as
a name?)
[Posted in FML issue 1537]