Well its been a trying week for our little Lillith.  As some of you may
know, she was recently diagnosed with insulinoma.  A very confusing case
from the beginning since her blood glucose levels (BGL) in the initial
testing were fine.  We had the full CBC done on her and everything
(including the insulin level) looked ok.  However, we finally were able to
bring her into the vets when she was actually displaying the classic
insulinoma symptoms and yes she did have a very low bgl.
So, our plan of action was to try to regulate her somewhat with nutrition
and if that doesn't work, we are going to prednisone (sp.).  So, for the
last few days we've been giving her a supplement of Duck Soup and since
Debbie Riccio was kind enough to send me the recipe for the insulinoma
elxier (sp again), we'll try that.  The only problem is that she doesn't
seem to like the Duck Soup too much.  Hopefully she'll like the insulinoma
stuff better.
Her episodes of symptoms are coming more often in the last few days.
Previously it was only once every 5-7 days.  Now they seem to be coming
nearly every day.  Our vet wants to give it until Monday and if she doesn't
show any improvement through the nutritional supplements, we'll get her on
the pred.  We have begun tracking her food intake to make sure that she
actually is eating during the day.  We have had to separate her from her
brother and sister so that we can measure her intake and make sure that
she's eating enough throughout the day.
My question to all of you fine ferret knowledgable people is, is there
anything else we should be doing, or could be doing, prior to and once we do
put her on the pred.  Our vet is pretty good with ferrets and has already
consulted with a few other Drs.  for further advice but hey, you guys deal
with them more than anyone else we know of so any input you can give would
be most appreciated.  We want to do the right thing for our Lillith since
she has been the greatest pet I know of (don't tell her sister and brother
but she's also my favorite since she was my first).
Any advice is appreciated greatly
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Oh and BIG, It can't be said enough, Thanks for the great work you do!!!!
[Posted in FML issue 1537]