Just wanted to share my ferret stories.  I was watching "Chicago Hope" on
Monday and discovered FERRETS.  The doctor who works in research had two
cages with sable ferrets.  As the camera focused in on the ferrets (well,
actually the actress but hey we know what is important in the shot!) the
ferrets sat up as if to say "I know you're watching me.  How's this pose?"
In addition, my chem. teacher frequently mentions "ferreting out" data.
Ferrets can just claim my attention so quickly these days.
This morning I was sleeping peacefully when I was woken up by a series of
loud clatters.  Certain somebody was trying to get in, I grabbed my pepper
spray and set off to investigate.  Only to be greeted by a white blur as my
albino Sneeuw rushed past me into the bedroom.  I had forgotten to use the
tie-tags to close the cage, so she had climbed out and set off exploring the
computer room.  The clatters was everything being knocked off the computer
desk!  As soon as she saw me she just kept dancing around in a happy
wardance.  Sushi, the other ferret, was looking folorn in the cage since she
is too small to climb out.  But the wake up call was worth the joyous dance
and later, I guess as a thank you, Sneeuw curled up around my toes and kept
them warm as I read.
Cheryl and Sneeuw (want regular wake up calls now, mom?), Sushi
(Will I ever be able to climb out by myself?)
[Posted in FML issue 1536]