Just sent my favorite list to Newsweek--FML of course!
I read with interest Rita Terrel's post--Welcome to the free zone, Rita!
Anyway, I too am a harpest, and all the ferrets I have ever had have LOVED
to sleep in my harp case--as well as my violin and viola cases.  I fact,
they took over my last harp case so throughly (kept digging and digging at
it to get inside, snagging the fabric) that I wound up giving it to
them--and eventually converting it to a soft sided ferret carrier.  Now I
knew that mine were very musical, but now I know it must be a national
conspiricy--I wonder what the FLO is going to do with all those musical
instrument cases?
Finally, as to ferrets and sand--I live on the banks of a tidal river, and
there is NOTHING, (not even chocolate!) that my guys enjoy more than digging
in the sand, running at the waves, and tossing shells about.  I agree that
you should use caution around salt water, and watch those temperatures and
sunburn, but don't deprive your fuzzies of one of life's great pleasures!
Give it a try--if they start to eat the stuff, then you've cause for
concern, but other than that it's a whole lot more fun (a somewhat cleaner)
than digging in the dirt!
[Posted in FML issue 1525]