Hi Ferret People
Well first to get the Sad part out the way. GET Those DisTemper Shots!!!
I got my first ferret Frisky a couple weeks past, and am sad to say he came
down with a case of Distemper a week later.  He was about 18 weeks old out
of a local pet store.  unfortunately after a couple days of treatment at the
Vet he was put to sleep.  So please keep up on those shots so you don't have
to go through this :(
Well so far my new Guy "Nipper" <yeah, he likes to nip> is doing pretty
good, he came from the same store, new batch...so I've been keeping a good
eye on him.  Other than some occasional sneazzes <Hmmm is he allergic to
me???> he's doing good.  Getting ready to take him in for a checkup and Shot
Hey are there any Nevada <Las Vegas> ferret people out there??  Getting took
over by all the Easteners :)  Let's try and Organize something for Ferret
owners out West.
                                 Thanks for all the info on here
                                       Furries Forever
                                           Mark :) & Nipper
[Posted in FML issue 1536]