I don't know if there are any real rules for blowing coats.  I've had
ferrets that blow their coats all at once at the typical spring/fall times,
and I've had others that appear to miss one of those times, others that blow
coats on "off" times, some that blow all at once, others that shed slowly.
I live in upstate NY about 1 hr from the Canadian border, several hours from
the ocean, if location has anything to do with it.
My BEWs and silvers are blowing coats right now, but my sables and
chocolates aren't doing anything - neither are my albinos or cinnamons.
I don't think I would too much if your ferret doesn't seem to be following
the "norm" (is there such a thing as "norm" for ferrets anyway?!)
Debbie Riccio
Rochester, NY
[Posted in FML issue 1536]