I am Cwynn i stole the compoopter from Mom she's looking for her socks dook
dook dook so i am here hello everyone
i am only five months old and i like to chew fingers and toes and arms and
legs and everything hooman bean a lot it's so tasty but they won't let me
and they make funny noises OW OW OW STOP and pick me up and hiss at me
they're funny!
Mom was real mad because i wouldn't stop wehn she told me to and kept
looking at her in the eye and chewing her thumb a little harder at a time
just to see how much i could chew before me scruffed me again, and so she
finally picked me up and put a cotton swab into my mouth and it WAS
DISGUSTING!!!  i know they use cotton swabs for poking in their ears but
_what_ do hooman beans have in their ears that is so disgusting!!
Dad said it was too bad (or maybe he said I was too bad) that they had to
use the Appel stuff (doesn't taste like any of the appel bits he ushully
gives us) and wished that they could do something else but dook dook dook I
got them back good because i PEED on Mom when she gave me that cotton swab
and she yelped and jumped up and dooked around.  i spent a couple of HOURS
(well, maybe minutes) taking time out in the cage while Molly and the rest
of em made fun of me from the outside.
(So i am here asking everyone to give Mom and Dad ideas on how to stop me
from biting cause i HATE having that appel stuff and i always pee on them to
show them i hate it.  They mean well, being my own hooman beans and all, but
they're not very bright (being hooman beans) so need to be teached better.)
my feets are getting tired dooking on these funny little buttons so i'll go
now before Mom catches me again bye now cwYnn
[Posted in FML issue 1535]