Hi everyone.  I'm new to the list, as you may remember from reading Bailey's
earlier post.  Anyway, I've talked enough today, so I'll keep this short.  I
have witnessed the infamous ferret vomitting episode.  A few minutes after
Bailey got out of his cage this evening, he began wretching and vomitted
three times in about a 45-second period.  All patches of vomit were small,
maybe 1/2 teaspoon each.  He's eating Science Diet Kitten.  They're little
pellets, eerily similar to rabbit droppings.  His vomit consisted solely of
what must have been unchewed pellets of SD, except that they were white in
color, as opposed to the original dark brown.
Bailey is only about 7-8 weeks (thanks Marshall Farms), but he is very
healthily built and in good condition (I'm no expert, but I've handled
hundreds of kits and thousands of juveniles and can spot sickness in MF
babies).  My guess is that the food is just too hard for him, so I'm going
to give him some canned food tonight and maybe try Marshall's for a few
days, as it's softer than SD.  I'd go exclusively to Marshall's, but my
ferrets are traditionally "run of the house" types (no flaming please) once
they're litter trained (or close).  Cats can really eat that MF food.  I
suppose I'll at least keep him on MF in the cage.
I don't know. I'm just worried after tonight's episode (he's fine now, not
resting in his cage as he's letting me know that he's certainly recuperated
and ready to figure out how the cats get past those safety-locks on the
kitchen cabinets if I would just let him out of that cage).
Well, he hasn't met the rabbit yet, so wish me luck. I can't bear to leave
him in there any longer (I'm a real pushover when it comes to ferrets).
Sorry this grew so long. I meant to keep it short. Honest...
Please, anyone with suggestions, email me privately as soon as you can. It's
very much appreciated.
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[Posted in FML issue 1534]