Hello FMLers,
Everyone can help our efforts here by spreading the word about House
Resolution 37 and Jan Goldsmith's photo drive.  Many of you have newsletters
that reach Californians, others may have friends, family or business
contacts here in California.  It would really help our efforts if you would
write or call your California contacts and ask them to please write or call
their State ASSEMBLY Representative.  If they don't know who that is, they
can call their county registrar of voters and ask.
When the Massachusettes bill was up, I asked Sharon Burbine for a list of
the Committee members and sat down and wrote every Massachusettes contact I
had and asked them to contact the Committee Chair and Vice Chair.  Please do
the same for us in California.  We need a WIN to be able to send a strong
message to the Fish and Game Commission--LEGALIZE FERRETS NOW!
Send a short letter to everyone you know in California and ask them to write
their own Assembly Representative IN ADDITION TO these two Committeemembers
(the letters need to urge them to pass HR 37, the ferret resolution and
should include the usual great arguments, i.e.  ferrets are domesticated
pets, legal in 48 states and virtually the rest of the world, are considered
private property by our State Constitution, are safer to people than dogs
and safer to wildlife than cats, etc.):
Dominic Cortese (Chair, Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
100 Paseo de San Antonio #300
San Jose, CA 95113
Tel: (408) 269-6500
Bob Margett (Vice Chair, Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)
208 N. First Ave.
Arcadia, CA  91006
Tel: (818) 446-3134
PHOTO DRIVE: Californians, please take pictures of your pets and put their
names on the backs of the photos and mail them with a short letter including
anectdotes about your ferrets to Jan's Capitol office.  He's looking for a
"Miracle on 34th Street"--you remember, where Santa's existence was proven
via the mail delivery at the courthouse.  Well, Jan's contention is that
"ferrets ARE normally domesticated in this state" by the thousands, and he
needs the photographs to prove it.  Don't be concerned about confiscation.
Just INCLUDE YOUR FIRST NAME AND CITY ONLY.  No other information is
required-- I suppose if you are really shy, you could use a different first
name-- but in any case, PLEASE send your photos his way.  If you are from
out of state, please put this information in your newsletters, or make your
phone calls to California ferret owners-- the month of April is photo month!
Don't assume someone has already heard about it.
Finally, Jan wants district meetings in each of the 80 Districts.  He also
wants an important packet of information to go in with constituents at these
meetings.  This packet is our ammunition against the misinformation put out
by the opposition-- Jan wants it hand delivered.  If you live in California,
and will set up a district meeting, please contact me and let me know who
your Assebmly Representative is and where I should send the packet.  If I
already have someone in your district planning a meeting, I'll put you in
contact with them to go together.  CALIFORNIA CANNOT AFFORD TO LOSE THIS
Jeanne Carley
Legislative Director, CDFA
410 Mountain Home Road
Woodside, CA 94062
(415) 851-3750
[Posted in FML issue 1532]