The continuing saga of Whidbey's swollen vulva.
Our 5 yr old little girl went in for adrenal gland surgury 4 weeks ago.  The
Dr's removed her very large left adrenal gland & said that it was full of
blood vessels (?). The lab report came back non-cancerous (yeh!!).
Our on-going concern is that her vulva is still very much swollen & hasn't
shown any noticable signs of shrinking.  Our vet said it should go down in 2
to 3 weeks.  The area appears to be quite dry, but sometimes there is a
little bit of dried creamy colored discharge which I gently wipe off with a
damp cloth.
She has not shown any signs of loss of hair, appetite or energy (before or
after surgery).  In fact I think she might even be experiencing a little bit
of spring fever that every one has been writing about.
Is this normal or could there be something else wrong?  Or am I just a
little to anxious & over-reacting.
We would greatly appreciate any input from the wonderfull vets or anyone
else that has dealt w/ this before.  Feel free to email directly if you
don't want to clog the fml.
Edith & co.
[Posted in FML issue 1529]