To those who have had ECE recently and TLE in particular,
We had a surprise strike by ECE last summer and we didn't even have the
offset of getting a new ferret.  It was somebody else's new ferrets that may
have brought it with them.  We went through the costly process (in both $
and effort) to nurse ours through the acute phase.  However, that is
probably only the visible tip of the iceberg.  The virus lingers on and
we've had minor recurrences to let us know.  We also had blood work done as
part of routine check ups and diagnosis of other problems 6 months later.
All of them showed elevated gamma globulin levels, indicating an immune
system at high activity (even in a seemingly healthy ferret).  We had 4
older ones at onset, 2 of which had no problems.  Now only 1 survives and he
is on his last legs.  While it may simply be coincidence, the downhill slide
of all of them after getting ECE is something to give me concern.
A recent veterinary seminar on the MIT investigation into Lymphosarcoma
pointed out that there is a high incidence at about 2 years and again at
older ages.  We have also had some recent losses on the FML to this juvenile
stage as anecdotal evidence.  Those people who think that early exposure to
ECE while they are still strong provides later ECE immunity may want to
consider this implication.  The MIT study has some evidence that a virus,
especially for the juvenile phase, may be the cause.
For the older ferrets, the viral ECE background infection seems to stress
the immune system and leaves it with no reserves to fight other problems.
So you may think you are out of the woods when the ECE slacks off.  However,
the real time bomb may have just started ticking.  Be observant for the
signs of the big 3 that may show themselves (primarily lethargy).  With 60
or so to watch, it may be easy to ignore the ones that play a little less
and slip off to sleep a little early, but they may be the real victims of
   ( )--(a)
   (@=@=) \     Till next time.......Rudy the ferlosopher
   O__)  \ \___
      \   \
      /\ * )  \           Hi Sue, work has made me lurk.
[Posted in FML issue 1529]