While I don't want to subject everyone to another MF discussion I'd just
like to straighten out what I meant.  My own personal limitations, philosphy
or what have you is that I don't care for "puppy farms" whether they're
large or small.  I use that as a generic term for breeders that put
breeder's in a cage and breed them one heat after another to make money and
take minimal care of their animals.  I.e. minimal care meaning little to no
human interaction, time out of their cages, put down when their sick because
it's not cost effective, "cheap" food that yes, probably, meets minimum
requirements for health etc.  These animals may not be "suffering" but, and
this is just me, I hate the idea of domestic, companion animals living that
sort of life just so I!  can have a pet - especially when there are
alternatives like smaller breeders that can have more interaction with their
breeding animals and where they live a life more like a companion animal and
have some of the interaction with humans that they seem to enjoy.  The post
I was responding to I think said they had 1000 ferrets?  I read a post once
on aol where the breeder said "my xxxx (forget the ferrets name) is laying
next to me on the couch and will soon be going into labor" and I personally
thought that was a really nice, optimum, closely monitored situation where
the pregnant ferret was probably deriving comfort by being close to "her"
human.  That does not mean that I think MF ferrets themselves are "bad" or
anything, but with shelters full etc., and regardless of the past
contributions of large breeders, IMHO I choose to support smaller breeders
(and obviously shelters) that provide more than just food and shelter to a
money machine.  Again - just me - I would rather have a shortage of ferrets
and do without, than 1000 ferrets "living" in a warehouse just breeding and
breeding and breeding, it does more than just make me feel guilty.
I have received two e-mails on ingestation stories and already learned
something new! Beware of dried bananna peel - hope your fuzzy is feeling
better and thanks for the posts!
[Posted in FML issue 1528]