Just wanted to say a few things about Troy Lynn's shelter (Ferret Family
Services).  I mentioned she is battling ECE; it has gone through all of her
61 ferrets in the last four weeks.  (She is starting week five of the ECE
battle).  Complicating matters is that she has also been ill from the 'flu;
and has still managed to save every single one of her sick beasties.  Not
even the those suffering from normally debilitating diseases have died.
During this time, she has continued to work for the benefit of the fuzzies,
even prodding me to look into the San Juan Island affair.  But it hasn't
been without cost, both physical, emotional, and financial.  Thus far, she
has shelled out more than $700 of her own cash, which I think would put
anyone in a bind.
Knowing her, she wouldn't ask for help, but since I live a couple of hundred
miles away it will be real hard for her to hit me if I ask for her.  (nah,
nah, nah!) So if you have extra supplies or extra cash, she's non-profit so
they would be tax-deductable.  If you live near her and can help steam-clean
her carpet (or just talk for a while) drop by and bug the "L" out of her.
If both are out of your abilities, deluge her with supportive e-mail, or
send her a card or a picture of your ferret to her mailing address.
If you've never met TLE (AKA: Sprite), she is a tiny tiny lady, not much
larger than a ferret herself, with more bushy hair than body mass.  Ok, I'm
teasing somewhat; the hair and body mass are about equal.  While it may
appear that she has an endless energy supply--she can cut toenails for
hours--I've actually seen her yawn before.  (However, I've never seen her
take so much as a nap).  The last four-five weeks have been quite difficult
for her, even though she will not admit it to anyone.  You will not find a
person on this planet who loves ferrets more than her.  Her outside job is a
means of earning enough money so she can work at her real job, which is
caring for abandoned and ill ferrets, a job that does not pay well at all.
Not once have I heard her complain about this task she has accepted.  Not
that she can't complain--don't get her started on anti-ferret dummies; she
can out-complain me--she just feels the pain is worth the effort.  She
definately knows how to the the squeaky wheel, if you know what I mean.  Oh
yeah, she's also kind of sweet, but don't tell her I said that because she
would just get meaner and nastier to me just to prove the statement wrong.
(And she already picks on me from the moment she sees me until I flee in
terror from her verbal onslaughts....hey, that should earn a buck from some
on the FML...)
So if you have it in you, help the little sprite out. Send nasty, er, eh,
I mean supportive mail/gifts to:
Troy Lynn Eckart
Ferret Family Services
PO Box 186
Manhattan KS 66505-0186
I would give you her phone number to ask about specific needs or to just
harass her, but since she doen't know I am writing this, I don't have
permission to put the number on the FML.  You will just have to check out
the way-cool Ferret Central with the way-cool list of shelters, or call
information yourself.  Oh, call _REAL_ late at night (hehe hehe hehe).
(Joke...don't do it unless you really want too...)
Or just fill her box with e-mail at:
Troy Lynn Eckart <[log in to unmask]>
Sorry TLE, but you are too nice a person, and are doing too nice a thing for
me not to say anything.  You can whack me the next time you see me.  Keep up
the good work.
Bob and the 13 Cat Terrorists (5 courtesy of TLE)
[Posted in FML issue 1528]