BTW, as some of you know, besides 13 ferrets I have 1 cat, a Japanese
Bobtail named Bastet (look up Bast in the dictionary).  After several years,
Bastet has decided the ferrets have better food, go potty in a better box,
and sleep in really cool places.  She sneaks in and eats ferret food when no
one is looking, as well as taking a ride in the ferret box; if Bear, Daye,
Buddy, Foster, or Moose sees her, they torpedo after her and love to bite
her bobtail.  Bastet becomes a black and white streak, and leaps to the top
of the hutch where no ferret has gone before.  Yesterday, I found Daye on
the top of the hutch, and couldn't figure out how she got there until later
when she suprised Bastet.  Daye jumped on Bastet's back, and Bast shot
straight up in the air towards the hutch.  This time, Daye slipped off, and
landed on the cabinet top the hutch sets on.  I figure that earlier she held
on better, made it to the hutch top, and Bastet left her up there.  Its not
every cat that gives the *Daye* such a good lift in the morning.  <ouch> I
hope the FLO never finds out about "catavators." Honestly, it was
*catavating* to watch.  I think now I'll take my magic Missouri "Bobcat
Elixer" and go into a *catatonic state*.  (Ok, these _are_ bad puns, but
aleast I didn't say "Bobcats lift their bobtail for all to view, butt
bobtail is kept in bobpants.")
Bob and Even Mo'13
[Posted in FML issue 1553]