A few days ago we got the clear dryer tube that we ordered (about a week
after the order was placed).  For those who have had delays in receipt, the
lumber yard has it sent from the nearest distributor, so depending on where
you live, it comes from different sources.  It is a great toy for all the
reasons given.  There is another fun thing you can do that I haven't seen
mentioned.  By bunching and stretching the tube you can transport the ferret
back and forth along the tube without them doing anything.  For example, if
you have a chase going on you can intervene and really get the pursuer riled
by moving him back.  My only bad comment is that it is only made from a
heavy gauge cellophane, like a candy bag.  I can't see it lasting too long
the way the claws go at it.  Order several!
Our Katrina had to be the master at the torpedo run.  When she got a treat,
like a dog kibble, she would drop closer to the ground, straighten out, and
motor with those legs.  Off like an arrow at amazing speed for as far as it
took for her to get to her special spot (up to 25').  In this mode no other
ferret could touch her.  The distance was never a limiting factor for her.
There is a Porsche (914?) whose suspension drops down as the car speeds up
and it must have been modeled on Katrina.  Watching her grab something and
drop was reason enough to give her treats.  This was the only time she used
this run, otherwise it was the more usual arched bounding.  The difference
in speed and look was amazing.
   ( )--(a)
   (@=@=) \     Till next time.......Rudy the ferlosopher
   O__)  \ \___
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[Posted in FML issue 1551]