I call the toy that you described yesterday a piou-piou (pee-u-pee-u).  I
usually strap it with an clothing elastic (sewing store) after removing all
the decorations glued and hang it ...  Hugo is completly mad of piou-piou!
When, after weeks of trials, he takes off the piou-piou, he puts it in
secret places (usually under furnitures or in the back of a drawer...) And
when he decides that the secret place is not good anymore, he moves all his
collection around the house... I'm sure that he counts them...
Anne Charbonneau                Professeure adjointe
[log in to unmask]    Departement de sante buccale
Tel: (514) 343-5924             Faculte de medecine dentaire
Fax: (514) 343-2233             Universite de Montreal
et voici mes furets:
      Victor 8>         Hugo 8)         et Adele H. :>
             @-"-@              @---@               o__o
            ( 0-0 )            <=*"*=>             (. . )
[Posted in FML issue 1551]