Hi all...
First, to the INSANE gang: I think someone sent me info on how to get Legend
to stop biting....Could you send it again?  I deleted it by accident.  I
would greatly appreciate it.
On to sick little ferts.  First, my little man Freud was sick.  Our vet, who
was very nice to him, gave him some antibiotics and kaeopectate (sp?).
Well, about 1 week later, Chico had it.  Now Freud is fine, and Chico is
starting to get better, but now Polly has it.  Anyway, I think we took Freud
to the vets to late to stop the others from getting it.  They have all lost
their weight, started to walk funny, had diahreaa (sp?) and are just
generally weak.  My question is this...  Could Legend get it, even though
her interaction with them was minimal while at home?  She was in a seperate
cage on th other side of the room.  Also, they started to get sich about 5
days after we bought her.  Could she have brought it in?  She was fine whn I
bought her, but I was just curious as to whether or not I should worry about
her getting it.
On a sad note, my fiance is coming up on Thursday.  Normally, I would be
thrilled to see him, but he will be taking Legend home with him.  I am going
to miss the little bugger, biting and litter missing and all.  We are
planning on getting her a playmate sometime this summer though.  Thanks for
all of your help..
Legend: Let me out, let me out!! Let me at those toes!!!!
Freud: Food, man, food, more of that kitten stuff, I am starving now!
Chico: *sigh* Pamper me a little more, please..water...I need water.. Oh
       there you are daddy... *kiss*
Polly: Ugh......Who saw the mack truck that hit me....When I get my strength
       back, I'm gonna do some damage again....
[Posted in FML issue 1527]