DI a!?  ayyyyyRyyyyyyyyyyND a few weeks to get the info, but it has been
much longer and still nothing in the P.O. Box.  I looked for the phone
number to call them back, but I guess that has been misplaced.  :-(
If anyone reading is affiliated with the Georgia ferret shelter, or has one
or two ferrets that they would like to donate to a loving home, please
contact us.  Our family consists of my adult brother Eric; myself, Sabrina;
my (sorry, PawPaw) S.O., Jeff; and our children, James, age 12; and Katie,
age 4 (but fairly calm and good with small pets).  We don't have a lot of
money, as I am currently attending school (will graduate in a month), but we
have a lot of love to give to a few furry friends.
P.S.  to Bob Church re: Foster's arthritis, my mother has a German Shepherd
with arthritis, and her vet prescribed some baby aspirin (St. Joseph's) for
him; maybe you could check with the vets how a fert would handle a small
amount of that.  Good luck.
Sincerely to all,
Sabrina (et. al.)
 are all these weird abbreviations I see?
 1) What is the Ferret Mailing List?
    The ferret mailing list
[Posted in FML issue 1550]