Hi all,
I have finally caught back up with my mail.  I got sick 2 weeks ago Fri.
and to top it off, My Fuzzie, Katie, got it too.( whatever it was) She quit
eating for 2 days, and I started force feeding her Hairball Med. and my own
version of "duck soup" ( a mixture of her regular food, wet & mashed, with
some Ferretone, and some hand feeding formula for baby birds, <don't laugh
too hard, she loves the stuff, it's about the only thing she'd eat>) She had
no poop for 24 hrs at least, and I was getting worried.  But then everything
started "comming out" OK, and she's back to normal.  I don't think it was a
hairball, I was *Watching* for that, I think she just got my bug.
But anyway, then I had some more hard drive problems and ended up with a
whole new CPU ( I guess thats what they call the box thingy that the hard
drive is in) and had to set everything up all over again.  I SURE MISSED MY
Well, sorry to hear about all the recent losses and illnesses, My heart goes
out to all.
And of course:  GOOD LUCK WITH THE WRITING PAW PAW!!! can't wait to read
some of your stuff!
Sorry for babbling, I just couldn't help it. TNT!
Amy & Katie
"Here's Dookin' at you Kit!"
PS.  what IRC server is it that some of you guys chat on?  I just got mine
set up, and haven't found you yet!
[Posted in FML issue 1550]