Omigosh...someone let off a stinkbomb...cough choke splutter gasp...
somebody, anybody, help me please!!
Sinbad and Millie only get bathed maybe once every two months, if that.
They do get a bit whiffy sometimes, but to tell you the truth I've never
found their scent unpleasant - kind of a sweet, musky smell - so we
generally just air out their bedding once a week and give them a wash if
they get dirty.  Well, things changed last night...Jarrod was forced to
evacuate the bedroom after Millie woke up and had a pee in her litter
box...she then came downstairs to see what I was up to...I have a pretty
fierce head cold so it took a while for the scent to seep through...but when
it did, it just about knocked me out!!  At first I couldn't believe it was
my little baby that stunk so badly...(in melodramatic tones: *it was
horrible...horrible*)...because of the head cold I'm having difficulties
identifying scents - but if I had to, I guess I'd say - kinda like -
ammonia?  A strong, sharp smell - very acrid, very pungent, and TRULY
unpleasant!!  And while she stunk of it, the scent was most definitely
emanating from her bottom (*blush* yes, I sniffed her butt - but is there
anyone here who hasn't anxiously watched over their babies doing poops to
check that everythings OK?!) anyway, it's not like I stuck my nose too
close - all I had to do was lift up her tail for another OVERPOWERING
I guess what I'm wondering is if this is the kind of smell they make when
they spray?  (Millie is a girl) Obviously I'm wondering why she decided to
spray for no apparent reason, but if it wasn't just spraying then I would
have to conclude that there's something wrong with her insides for her to be
getting gas that bad!  Anyway, I would appreciate any words of wisdom from
more experienced ferret owners.  Thanks in advance...
Odiferously yours,
Millie...mummy HOWCOMEyoudon't wanna CUDDLE me nomore?!!
Sinbad...eugh!  MUMMEEEE!!!  Millie let off again!!!
[Posted in FML issue 1550]