On the Ferret Relief fund I have gotten some "count me in", "good idea,
buts" and not much else.
O.K.  I'm claming ignorance on how to set this up and to manage it, How to
get the money to shelters/vets where it will do the most good.  I lack the
network that some of the shelters and big ferret people have.  I would like
to get money(if there is any money) to not only FML people, but out to the
everyone in need of help.
I need input.......badly.  So email me or post I don't care how you get the
info to me, just do!!!!  If we want this to fly, I need all of the idea's on
how to set it up and all the rest.  Please(now she asked nicely) send your
thought in.
On another note.
I got a call this evening and the man said he had a ferret that was sick.
He wanted to know what to do.  I got all the info I could.  The ferret is
about 11weeks old, (was one of Riki's roomates at the petstore) and had been
sleeping alot, I do mean alot, wasn't eating much and not drinking a whole
either.  Stool yellow.  Well, I sent this guy off to the vet.  and got his
name and # before we got off the phone.  I worried and worried, then called
the vet.  told them that he was on his way and that if they didn't have the
money for the care, to call me and I'd put it on my card.
Well, at about 6:30 I called him back and got his wife, the vet told them he
had a blockage at the colan.  Gave them some meds.  and the little guy seems
to be doing alot better.  We talk for about an hour I gave her the FML
request address and all the info that I had.
It's just such a great thing when you feel like you can acutaly help someone
in trouble.
:-))) Warm fruzies and all.
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Ignorance killed the cat(or ferret), Curiousity was Framed!!!-unknow
[Posted in FML issue 1550]