To all-
There is just so much sad stuff being talked about.  The other night I
was just crying reading all the different stories and Randy Browns just
torn my heart into two.
I'm new to the FML as alot of other people and it really is scary.  I talked
with our vet today and I heard alot more positive.  Yes the fuzzies are very
prone to cancer, in fact she called them cancer factories, but as far as the
fleas even a dog or cat can die from flea festation, a ferret is just
smaller and easier for fleas to get to.  I asked about flea shampoo and was
told none was safe, but bathing will kill the fleas.
At this point mine is very healthly, but fear is in my heart, because death
and I don't deal well with each other and the thought of losing GIGI is
absolutely a horrible and very sad feeling.
I love all the funny and crazy stories and wish we could hear more of those.
All the people involved with the ferret shelters are doing wonderful things
and if the rescue fund gets started, please count me in.
Randy Brown-
I know you are in all our prayers to help you find the strenght to overcome
your sorrows.
March, Jim   Locomotion question:
I bought a hairy mouse on a string and the minute GIGI smells it or sees it
she goes wild.  She latches on it and shakes it to death.  We had to take it
and throw it away, because she wouldn't let it go and the fur was coming off
in her mouth.
GiGi runs our poor cat rugged.  GiGi bites her in the rear and leaps on her
and trys to nurse her.  Also, GiGi won't leave the poor cats water bowl
alone.  She is always running with the water bowl down the hallway or trying
to hide it in the closet.  (This is a medium bowl filled with water).  GiGi
is not fond of a bath, but loves that water bowl so much she doesn't want to
share it.
Thank you everyone for all the valuable info, please don't flame me on the
beginning of my rambling on.  I just don't like getting sad every evening
before I go to bed.  Good luck to all the wonderful fuzzy fuzzies and thank
goodness that their are so many wonderful people out there to help these
cute lovable kritters.
PSSSSSS- The rocks in the plants from Julia worked like a champ.  That is
the best thing in the world.  Also, the tubing has been a blast.  GiGi
thanks you all except for the rock idea, She saids that wasn't nice, it
ruined her mostest fun of all--Dirt flying high in the sky and making a mess
for ma ma.  Thanks to you all.  Melinde And God Bless all the sweet little
[Posted in FML issue 1549]