Hi All,
I just had to delurk for a moment to tell you of the most wonderful thing
that happened.  I got a letter from a fellow FML buddy today and you'll
never guess what he said to me.  He went into a pet store and fell in love
with a little 4 mo.  old cinnamon female.  So of course he brought her home
to be his new daughter.  She and his little boy hit it iff immediately.  So
what is this wonderful news you ask??  Well he said he decided because she
is so sweet and strong that he would name her, Drum Roll Please (as he
said), KELLEEN!!!!!!!  Can you guys believe it??  I am so honored and amazed
that he would actually name his little girl after me and to give me such
compliments besides.  I just had to share this with you all.  Definitely
made me smile the biggest smile ever.  Made a terrible day bearable as well.
I am constantly amazed by people here and the things they do.  I have heard
from so many that also suffer from Clinical Depression and it seems to me
that people suffering with this are really pulled to having ferrets as their
kids.  Has to be because they are totally adorable, loving and FUNNY!!!  I
keep finding more and more things in common with people here that I never
knew about before.
Want to say a big THANK YOU to the guy (you know who you are) that honored
me by naming his little one Kelleen.  I honestly am near speechless in
trying to tell you how very much this means to me.
Well time to go lurking again for a little longer.  Things are still bad
around here but I am trying my dangdest to get back on my feet, so to say.
This wonderful thing sure did help tho.  With love and fuzzy kisses and hugs
to all I respectfully enter lurkinghood again!!!  TNT!!
*      Kelleen & the INSANE Animal House              *
*      President and Founder of F.A.N.G.              *
*      (Ferret Association of Neverending Glee)       *
*      405 S. Orchard   Boise, Idaho  83705           *
*      [log in to unmask]                               *
*   I'll take a good animal over a good mate anyday!  *
*   All they want is lots of love and great chow.     *
*         Idiocy is our only option!                  *
*     Dustin Hoffman from movie Outbreak              *
[Posted in FML issue 1549]