Hello FML!
I wrote my first message several weeks ago about buying a new ferret.
Little Anastasia apparently had Parasites.  Shortly after bringing her home,
my other two ferrets (Paelon and Diana) got them also.  After 13 days of
Albon, they all recovered okay.  Since then, Paelon (2 yr Male Sable) would
occasionally get sick.  He went back to the vet Monday (4/22) and the vet
suggested surgery to remove a possible partial blockage in the Large
Intestines.  She suspected a partial blockage before we found parasites a
few weeks before.  The initial X-ray didn't show anything although there is
a palatable lump.  (recently)
Paelon got out of surgery 1 hour ago.  Dr. Clark said His spleen was
enlarged.  I remember reading something about "enlarged spleen" but, I don't
remember where I read it.  We won't have any test results back for a
week.(results on some sort of extraction) She believes that his enlarged
spleen is most uncomfortable when his stomach is full.  That is why he's
getting sick.  I am curious if anyone would care to comment on possible
causes and also advice on having the spleen removed.
He hasn't had any changes in activity or eating habits.  Other than vomiting
once every 2 to 4 days, we hadn't suspected a problem.  I have pictures of
all three ferrets on my cheesy web page ; http://www.telalink.net/~pquinn.
  Phillip & Michelle,
  Paelon { wha happened...?!? }
  Diana  { Where did Paelon Go?" }
  and Anastasia { Where is the FoodBowl??? }
[Posted in FML issue 1549]