Hi all, just a few things...
(1)To the guy from Australia headed for Hawaii - I got my ferret from my
nephew who moved to Hawaii.  They are illegal there and that probably wont
(2) I know some people talk about potty training in terms of "hit-rate" but
I was wondering how many people with free-range ferrets are litter box
trained vs.  those who's ferrets spend some cage time.  Mine are free range
and definetly not box trained.  Thank someone that they're at least more or
less lineolum trained, and I have carpet runner and paper in all carpeted
corners.  Also everyone always say they insist on a really clean litter box,
but that doesn't explain when they find a "secret" place to go and go and go
and go till by the time you discover it you think a German Shepard got in
your house?:)
(3) Giesela ate A WORM!!!  I don't think it hurt her although it was
disgusting - I got another away from her before she ate it.  I also caught
her eating corn from the critter mix I put outside - then later she threw up
so now on top of worrying about Boris who I think is partially blocked I am
worrying about her too.  Giesela seems fine now though but Boris is not
acting himself I am watching him closely and have dosed him with cat lax
several times to now avail.  I feed them TF and QC+, Ferret bites, licks of
ferretvite and ferretcoat, the occassional cheerio - why or why do they eat
all this other weird stuff?
(4) To the guy who wants to get a ferret and keep it in a frat house.  I
don't want to sound mean but do you think that's wise?  A lot of people come
and go in frat houses and you wont always be there.  Some of these people
may think of playing with your ferret in a way that's not really playing or
feeding it beer etc.  Also, are you really involved in sports, the school
newspaper etc.  You should evaluate the time you'll have and whether you
have the $ for vet bills.  I'm not totally against college students with
ferrets but..  I know the shelter in Champaign ILL gets lots of ferrets from
students that can no longer keep a ferret and our shelter just got 2 from a
college student who is moving and cant take them.  Do you know what your
future holds?  Please consider your situation carefully.
[Posted in FML issue 1548]