Frist off Randy Brown, I am so srry for your loss and my heart is with you.
Second if all of you people out there in ferret land would send me all of
you info on ferret shelters and vet who understand ferrets too my emal
address I would be happy too put them together in a state by state country
by country format so we have it when people need it.
and last for those of you who have problems with your little guys going into
places where you do not want them and you do not want to trun your hause in
a armed camp against ferrets try mothballs they hate the smell, just put a
few in a baby food jar punch a few hole is it and put it where you want them
to stay out of they hate the smell.There a two types of mothe balls so try
each and see which one they hate the most.  hope that this helps..
                                    Ed Nash
[Posted in FML issue 1548]