This is research for a book: has anyone else ever seen their fuzz put on a
sudden incredible burst of speed, *without* any back arch, just by
"churning" all four little feet at top speed and doing a "torpedo" number?
I've seen one of my brother's females do it a couple of times...max
distance, mebbe 20 feet; speed looked like about 20 mph, with incredible
accelloration(sp, dangit).  Top speed was reached in well under a's *not* the same as the ordinary "boing-boing-boing" gallop.
My guess is, this mode is *very* energy intensive and is used only for the
final burst of speed down a tunnel, when the prey's location is fairly well
known from sound/smell/vibration/other.
Also, how exactly does the fert make a kill?  I imagine it has something
to do with a neck grab, followed by massive shaking...true?
[Posted in FML issue 1547]