Tiki sometimes gets out (usu.  by following someone out the front door).
After the first time this happened I made her a collar out of 1/4 in.
elastic and put a bell on it.  She doesn't seem to mind and I know where she
is by following the jingle.  Get white elastic and you can write your phone#
on it in permanent marker.  The collar should be loose enough for you to
slip off and on over the ferts head, that way you know it will come off if
they get stuck.
(TIKI HERE) i came up here to take that mouse pad thingy (i know where it
goes) an i want to tell all you FLO ferts that I am ready for action.  i
have a cellilar tellifon an many flashlights, also some hairbrushes i can
get some poptarts too.  to get some of those you just dook and bounce, the
amused human will Give you some of that stuff becuz you are very cute.
KIM(I cut my hair short because I can never find the $#%! hairbrush)
TIKI(i NEED it for something very important mom!)
[Posted in FML issue 1527]