Doggone it...sent in my post a few minutes too late (lost track of time) and
it did not get out on Saturday, sorry folks.
This is Satruday eve, just got off the phone .........guess what I did?
I got to listen to little White Fang hissing as she ran across the floor
with a mouth full of food to hide it in her stash under Monica's tv.  What
a beautiful sound that was.
She may have Wardenberg's syndrome, she has a blaze and does not react to
sound and startles easily.  She speaks her mind well, though, according to
Monica.  I like that.  This little one has spunk.
You guys have pulled of a miracle, thank you so much for your generosity.
By the way Saturday I did get two checks, only $15.  so far, but I know more
is on it's way.  She likes Iams food, so she will eat well.  She had eaten a
small rubber foot of some sort like off a newsstand (according ot Monica)
and has a real fettish for rubber (don't they all?) This is what was causing
the blockage.  Will have to keep a close eye on this one.
Festus is not doing well, STUBBORN, won't eat without being coaxed or
forced, so I am doing that, not much sleep, but I am doing what is best for
*him*.  Probably will have surgery Mon or Tue., for blockage, have no idea
what it could be but it feels small, hard, and cylindrical.  Donna will care
for him while I am in Austin from Wed to Sat fighting for ferrets statewide.
(That is if I can bring myself to leave, I can't stand leaving a sick
Gotta feed Festus now, I will post again asap.  Thanks for all your help.
[Posted in FML issue 1545]