To Al Gearhart: I feed a mix of MF, Mazuri, and Iams, and I've had really
good results with it.  Mazuri is a small pellet shape, does not have a
strong odor, and all of mine like it.  If you want to try some without
ordering the 25 lb bag, you can order a small amount from Ferret Ware (ph.
1-800-FERRETWare) for *I think* $1.50/lb plus postage.  (No, I'm not
affiliated with them - I just like their dedication to Ferrets and good
customer service.)
Re rabbit chow /digging in litter: I use rabbit chow pellets as litter, and
prefer it to clay.  Yes, most of my ferrets tried eating a few pieces at
first, but they never took more than a few bites, and never tried again
after that first day.  As long as they took the pieces from a clean pan, I
didn't worry.  It never caused any problems for any of them.  Maybe you
could mix it with the clay for a while, until they get used to it.  If your
critters like to play in it or munch an occasional piece, you might try
lightly misting the clean litter with water.  This deterred all of mine from
using it for anything other than a bathroom.
Re Lost and Found Ferrets: Welcome home, Nip and Erik!  You've been missed
and worried over like you wouldn't believe...  I'm glad you're home safe.
Carla & the Woozlemaniacs
Litje, Turlough, Gaoth, Finn MacCumhail and Siobhan
In Loving Memory of Quidni
Rio Grande Domestic Ferret Club
[Posted in FML issue 1527]