Well, spring has sprung indeed.  Here in southern Germany, the weather has
indeed gone springlike.  Today, we loaded in the van with 3 humans and 3
fuzzies, and off to the lake we went.  Around to the back side of the lake
we went where we had a choice of sun or shade found a nice spot that had
just that choice, and sat, leashes on the fuzzies (this is their first time
to the lake).  Well there was the digging (pebbles, not sand or dirt) and
more digging, then Patches (my daughters ferret) discovered the water not
too bad he thought, but that is as far as he went then back to digging.  A
short time later, Chip (my weasel) also discovered the lake a few steps out
and then into a full blown swim.  None of us in our family had ever seen a
ferret swim before, and now we were kicking ourselves and each other in the
butt for no one thinking to bring the camera with us.  (argh, what dummies)
Chip swimming was one of the neatestthings that I have ever seen any of the
weasels do.  So smooth, so easy, kinda like an otter moves through the
water, or even the look of what a water snake looks like, boy was he
smooth....  He did not stay in too long, but seemed to enjoy it (I know we
did) then out and back to digging.  What a beautiful day!!!!!
It was kinda neat to hear some of the reactions of the Germans.  There w as
an ooohhhh!  (yuk translation) and a couple came up to us and asked what
they were.  and in some of the passing conversations(and we do not speak the
language over here except the basics, food, lodging, train/flight/toilet
info) But we have learned the German word for ferret, so we could make out
in the conversations at least when the people recognized what they were.
All in all, a great day was had by all.  (and baths were had by all fuzzies
when we got home).
[Posted in FML issue 1545]