Charlee - the GLFA or Great Lakes Ferret Assoc.  is a group or club that
puts out a newsletter every two months, sponsors a yearly ferret show (june
8th,Romulus) and more importantly is trying to raise money to put a lawyer
on retainer to challege the bit and kill law here in Michigan.  Apparently
the next time this happens they want to take it to court to get the law
changed.  Seems its easier to do it this way then try to get the law
rewritten?  1 year membership is 20.00 and the phone number is 313-676-9138.
A really good ferret vet - Dr. Lawrenchuk, is a member and runs a shelter
out of her Westland Vet clinic if you have a problem your vet isn't sure
On food - guess I'll have to retract the statement about my ferrets not
liking the Mazuri sample I brought home from Elkhart - the sample is gone!
Now how do I find this food?  I browbeat the petstores into carrying TF -
which I still intend to use but would like to mix in some Mazuri, but am a
little embarrased to go in now and tell them to carry another line.
To who had the motorized ball - where did you get it?  Also mine loved thei
motorized car but it didn't last long before it quit working for unknown
reasons - I also made sure it was out of reach because it had rubber tires
that they learned to bite almost immediately!
Mary, Boris (I think he has a partial blockage:( and Giesela
[Posted in FML issue 1545]