Rabies Paper
Actually the reported results were very good news for ferrets and ferret
owners.  The fact that the virus was not found in the saliva of any of the
ferrets means that a rabid ferret can not infect another animal or a human.
Shedding period is that time between when the virus first appears in the
saliva of an infected animal and the time when it shows symptoms of the
disease (or death of an animal that doesn't show symptoms).  In dogs and
cats, this period is commonly believed to be about 3-7 days, so the 10 day
quarantine period is considered safe.  (Studies have found the virus present
in the saliva of dogs for up to a year.)  If the virus in not in the saliva,
an animal may have rabies but can not infect another animal or human.
Three studies have been performed on the shedding of rabies in ferrets.  Two
were done in Europe using the fox and the vole strains.  The US study used a
skunk strain.  All found that the ferret did not shed the virus, and that
the time from when the symptoms first appeared until death of the ferret
averaged about 4 days.  The recent CDC/KSUVM study was the first using a US
strain of the virus.
The CDC would like to continue the shedding studies using the raccoon and a
bat strain of the virus.  If the results of those two strains are the same
as with the skunk strain, then it will be likely that the CDC will recommend
only that the ferret be examined by a licensed vetinarian familiar with
ferret, and if found healthy, released to the owner.  At the worst, they
might require an 8 - 10 day quarantine.
KSUVM has submitted a preliminary proposal for the second study (raccoon
strain, I believe).  It was accepted and they have been asked for a detailed
proposal.  Money is one of the main inhibitors to completing the study.
Contributions to KSUVM, earmarked for the ferret rabies shedding study will
help speed things along.  I know that Pam Grant of STAR Ferret has been a
contributor, as well as many others.  Perhaps she can give more information
on where and how to make the contributions.
Cage Flooring:
Wire hurts the bottoms of ferret's feet. (Wire walking over a long period of
time could be the source the calluses discussed on another post).  Linoleum
or carpet remnents cut to fit, or even the cheap woven rag rugs do well.
The latter are soft, cheap, and washable.
Scoopable litter:
I realize that this is a hot topic from time to time.  We use scoopable
litter for our own and in the shelter.  Have used it for over 3 years now
with no problems.  Every once in a while we get one that likes to dig and
root in it.  We take the litter out and put in paper towels until the towels
get dirty, then add a thin layer of the scoopable litter.  Next time we
clean the litter box, we leave a little soiled litter in the boxtake out the
towel, and add a thin layer of new litter.  No problems.
To Cage or Not to Cage?
We've had ferrets running loose in our house for years.  Yet they keep
finding new places to get into that I thought were thoroughly "ferret
proofed." Generally, if we're going to be gone only a short period of time,
we'll leave them play.  If we're gone for long periods, or after we go to
bed for the night, we cage.
Cat Condos for Ferrets?
Ours love them.  When we take ours for a ferret adoption/demo at the local
Petsmart stores, I always put a leash on them and walk them through the
store to meet people.  They love the cat condo section of the store.  I have
a very difficult time getting them away from them.  When I finally do, they
look at me very pitifully, like "Do you think Santa will bring me one for
Christmas?" One of our club members made a beautiful one for our raffle
prize for Ferret Awareness Day (Merrimack, NH on September 14)
Dick B.
[Posted in FML issue 1543]