Hi, haven't had much sleep, but the news is excellent that I have to report
to you....
Little White Fang did have her surgery today (Thursday) and she came through
it in good condition.  The blockage turned out to be a small single blockage
and as far as I have been told, there were no complications.  She is
spending the night at the vets office.
Johnathan, the ferrets owner, had wanted to work with the local ferret club
in Calgary, so I have contacted them and, Monica, of the local ferret club
(she has posted here before) has volunteered to take her until she feels
okay to travel, then we will work on placement of her into an excellent
home.  The details of that have not been worked out yet.  I am taking one
challenge at a time here.  It seems that after I had the (temporarily
borrowed) funds transferred, I found out that the owner went down and paid
for her surgery.  So I guess I will reimburse him for the surgery when
Monica picks up White Fang.  (She will be able to get the funds from the
person I have there that is holding them for me.) Johnathan has made it
clear that he is not able to afford to pay for this ones surgery, he only
used his Visa to get the surgery faster, and is waiting for reimbursement.
We are going to place White Fang with someone who can monitor her closely,
and update all of the FML subscribers on a regular basis.  She may have a
socialization problem, especially with female ferrets so we will need to
work with this.
If you have not yet mailed your donation ($1.00 each, or more if you can) to
cover White Fang's surgery, please do so now.  Send them to Patricia Curtis
3801 Zion Hill Loop Weatherford, Texas 76088 My phone is 817-599-7740, pager
is 817-425-1740.  I can't tell you how much your caring and your donation
are appreciated.  I have received many e-mails saying how wonderful people
think I am for coodinating all of this, but the real heros are you guys,
without you, I never could have done this.  Thanks to all of *YOU*, this
little girl had her surgery today.  Three cheers for the FML, and a special
round of applause goes to Bill Gruber.
***Please be sure to put a note with all donations that they are to go for
White Fang, and include your e-mail address for my benefit (it will help
keep me sane, believe me) and tell me what you would like done with any
extra funds.  (I am not saying there will be any, but just in case.) I can
forward them to White Fang's caretakers and new owner for her future care
should she have more medical needs, I can return them to you, pass them on
to a shelter or club of your choice, forward them to Monica to help with her
fledgeling club there in Calgary, or whatever you specify.  Just please make
a note somewhere about these things.
Okay, the next step is to locate someone with Airline connections or who
travels alot who can help us with White Fang's transfer.  If you have any
ideas or special contacts that you think we may be able to use, please
e-mail or call me immediately.  Eydie Fox in Carlsbad, NM is handling White
Fang's "travel arrangements" so you can also call her directly at
505-885-3567.  Her e-mail address is [log in to unmask] Even someone
traveling by car from Calgary south across the US border would be helpful,
though I think Monica may help us here also.
I have learned something through all of this folks, with "ferret lovers" the
word **IMPOSSIBLE** simply does not exist.
I "take my hat off" to you all.
Trish.....       (Hey, you furry little thief, come back with my hat.....)
[Posted in FML issue 1543]