>From:    Cheryl M Forbis/DELCO <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Another Instrument
>I play the Oboe, a close relative to the shwam commonly used by snake
>charmers.  If the fuzzies are out when I play it, they usually try to stuff
>themselves up the bell.
Speaking of music and skinnykitties, I recall the time I was invited to a
benefit punk rock concert.  Not usually my scene, but what the hell.  Then I
had a sick concept.  Using eggwhites, I gave Felix the Albino a spiked
mohawk, then dipped his tail in green food coloring, did the spike job in
pink, and did the rest of him in mixed yellow/blue/pink/green non-toxic
Talk about "hit of the party".  There was this one drunk brit kept muttering
the whole night (trying to get the accent right) "A tie-dyed albeeeno
weeeeasel!!!".  Felix slept right through, major fuzz-guitar riffs and all.
Then the next day, I took him to a San Francisco "street faire" on Columbus.
He was still decorated.  One one corner was this ultra-hoity-toity string
quartet; there was this rich lady standing there with an immaculate little
toy poodle with a little pink jeweled collar and a bow.  So I put "Felix the
punk" down next to the dog, and they got along fust fine, sniffing and being
mutually friendly - the rich chick couldn't figure out what all the sudden
laughter was about until she looked down and went "AAAAAHHHH!".
Punk meets High Society.  Too damn funny.
[Posted in FML issue 1542]