I have been reading a lot lately about FERVAC-D, FROMM-D, and GALAXY-D
vaccines for distemper.  I guess I do not want to argue with anybody about
test results but just to put in my $.02.
I live in Laramie, WY (Wyoming if you don't know) and 30 miles from here is
a place called Sybil Canyon.  It is here that a lot of Black Footed Ferrets
are raised for reintroduction to the wild.  Since Wyoming is one of the
major 'habitats' for the BFF.
When I took Little Guy into the vet a few weeks ago I made sure to ask him
what vaccines he used for my ferts.  I was happy to find out that he only
uses GALAXY-D and the proper rabies vaccine also.  (the name escapes me)
I guess what suprised me was that he said GALAXY-D was approved for ferrets
and that is a major reason for his decision to use it.  He also stated that
the BFF refuge in the canyon had used FERVAC-D on their ferts and found
adverse reactions and use GALAXY-D also.
Now, I am in no way an expert nor am I trying to spark any more of a heated
debate.  This is just the information I have and wanted to share it with
the rest of you.  I am open to any comments on this information I have
posted and will try to clear up any confusion I can by getting some better
info. from the BFF refuge if needed.
Love to all Fuzzies!!
Wade, Pandora, and Little Guy
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[Posted in FML issue 1542]