Congratulations on bringing home your new baby bear!  Mortimer is thrilled
to hear that his brother has a new home, and agrees that papa Calvin is one
damn big ferret.  I have good news.  After being with us for a few months,
Mortimer is a great pet, and very mellow.  He loves people, and doesn't nip
no more.  Yes, a little love nip from a huge ferret causes great bleeding
gashes, but your bear will learn to love you and listen when you tell him
no.  He's also pretty excited and smelly yet, but he will be better in a few
weeks.  Mortimer smells nice and lightly musky.  As for names...let's see...
He's a silver, right?  How about Dragon?  Wolf?  Wyvern?  Excalibur?
Huffalump?  Mammoth?  Or maybe name him after one of Tolkien's swords.  I
can't think of any right now.  How about Troll?  Tiny?  I need to get
another ferret...;)
From Mortimer:
DonT forget to BOUNCE a lot.  BouNCe and BouNCE.  The little WEAsels are
for siTTing and NiPping until thEy say UnCle.  ItS verY important to
REMEMBER that ToEs are attached to People!  I always forGET and ATTACK
and OH there's oNE now.  CHOMP!  Oops.  See?
Also, my vet told me that we have a similar "if it bites it gets euthanized
law in Michigan." This is pretty cruel, and we were very very careful who
got to pet Mortimer when we first got him because of that little "love nip"
thing he would do occasionally.  My in-laws know a family that bought a
ferret and then sold it right away when they found out about that law.
Stupid of them, but the fuzzie is probably better off now, I hope.  Sorry
for the double post.  I'm a little behind on my mail lately.
[Posted in FML issue 1513]